10x more Engagement on Facebook Ads with this simple Growth Hack (no extra costs)

By the time you finish reading this post, you know how to get 10x + more engagement (social proof) on your Facebook ads. And this without spending more money on the ads itself.

Are you a marketer or entrepreneur who is constantly looking for new growth hacks to optimize your Facebook campaigns? Then you will enjoy this blog.

By the time you finish reading this post, you know how to get 10x + more engagement (social proof) on your Facebook ads. And this without spending more money on the ads itself.

Complicated? Hell no. You've implemented this growth hack within a few minutes. At the end of the day you can already see the results. What you can expect? More engagement (likes, comments, shares) + the additional benefits:

  • Even more engagement
  • Higher CTR
  • Lower CPM
  • Lower CPC
  • Lower CPA and a higher ROAS

The reason why ads with high engagement are cheaper in Facebook Ads

Facebook gives a higher quality score to ads with high engagement (likes, reactions shares, clicks). A higher quality score means that you pay less per view. Facebook gives this score so that people only see ads that suit them well.

Of course Facebook does this for a reason. The more daily Facebook users, the more Facebook earns. Because the more daily users, the more ads Facebook can show. So Facebook benefits from users that are coming back to their platform. And they try to do this that by keeping it interesting for you.

Enough background information. Let's dive into the deep.

Let's dive into how to get 10x more engagement on Facebook ads

The 'social stacking method' on Facebook

The standard Facebook campaign structure looks something like this:

Standard Facebook Ads structure

Standard method

You have a campaign created for a specific offer. Within the campaign dozens of ad sets to target different target groups with dozens of different ads.

As the campaign progresses and you collect more data, you will find an ad that performs better than any other ad. Then you create dozens of ad sets again. Each ad set contains the same best performing ad, but instead of just one ad, you show a lot of copies of the same ad. Absurd, right?

With this campaign structure all your ads get engagement separately from each other. A few likes, comments or shares... But what if you could get all that engagement, or social proof, on one ad? Guess what. This is possible!

We call this "The Social Stacking method".

The idea behind the social stacking method is very simple: instead of tens of ad sets referring to dozens of copies of the same ad, all your ad sets refer to one ad.

This is what changes in the campaign structure:

Facebook campaign structure with the social stacking method

How to implement?

As I promised, implementing it takes no more than a few minutes. This method only applies to the newsfeed placement, both on Facebook (desktop and mobile) and Instagram (mobile only), where engagement can be seen in the form of likes, comments and shares.

In the video below I show you step by step how you can implement this quick win.

Step-by-step guide

1. Select the ad you want the other ad sets to refer to (at the ad level of the campaign) and click on 'Edit'.

2. In the Advertising Preview section, click on the 'Share Examples' button, and then click on 'Facebook Post with comments'. If you display the ads on Instagram, click on 'Instagram Post with comments'.

3. View the URL once the ad has loaded. Copy and paste the number after post/. If you display the ad on Instagram, you will only see one ID number in the URL, copy and paste it.

4. In this step you create a new ad set or you duplicate an existing one (duplicating is faster). Make changes to the ad set (the target audience for example).

5. Go to the ad level of this new ad set. Click on 'Edit' and then on 'Existing ad/post'. Click on enter 'Post ID' and paste the ad ID that you obtained in step 3. Then click on 'Send'. Lastly, you publish the ad.

6. The easiest way to get more ad sets to refer to this ad is to duplicate the 2nd ad set you created (because an existing message from the 1st ad set is already being used). In this way you can have several ad sets display the same ad within minutes.

You made it!

You made it

This article was originally published by our sister company vidprove.

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